Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Local Datasources module for Sitecore Experience Editor

Local Datasources marketplace module

On the Sitecore marketplace a new module was recently added to help editors with the concept of "local" datasources. The module can be found here

The source code is available on GitHub. Instruction on installing and using the module are included in the readme file.

We assume people working with Sitecore and reading this know what datasources are. Some of you might even work with a "local" datasources. Local meaning that the datasource item is coupled with the "page" item where it is used in a hierarchical way by storing the datasource item underneath the page item - in a "local" data folder.

We tried to automate this proces for datasources that should not be shared amongst "pages" while working in the Experience Editor.

The solution now consists of 2 parts.
  • The first part will create the actual datasource item (and the data folder if that does not yet exists - datafolder will be pushed as latest child). The template name of the required datasource is used as base for the item name, combined with a number.
  • A second part will prevent the "Select the associated content" dialog from appearing and is discussed already in a previous post: Preventing the Sitecore "select datasource" dialog.

I wrote another blog about the functionalities of the module - here I will go deeper into the code.

Creating the datasource

Creating the datasource item is done in a processor in the getRenderingDatasource pipeline. This pipeline is started within the AddRendering command (see step 2 - the dialog). 

We check the datasource location of the rendering and determine whether it is "local". If so we start the item creation:
  1. Create the parent item for the datasource item if it does not exist 
    • based on a provided template
    • underneath the context item, and pushed down to the last child position
    • name is based on the datasource location (we should add some more data verification here)
  2. Add this parent item to the datasource roots
  3. Create the datasource item underneath the parent
    • based on the template set on the rendering as datasource template
    • using this template name of the datasource as base for the item name (combined with a number)
  4. Set the datasource item FullPath as CurrentDatasource in the pipeline arguments

A few things to notice here:
  • We use a SecurityDisabler to make sure the item can be created.
  • We use a SiteContextSwitcher (to "system") to make sure the page does not refresh (if you don't do this, the page detects a new item and refreshes - causing errors)

The datasource dialog

You can read here how we prevented the dialog from appearing and still setting the datasource value when the arguments were set correctly in the previous step using a custom AddRendering command.

As we do override the AddRendering command, the module needs a Sitecore version with the exact same code as the one we used in that command to keep all renderings without local datasources to work as expected.

The Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) has it's own version of the AddRendering command - for the same reason btw. 
This means that this module should not be installed on instances were SXA is also present!
A future enhancement could be to add SXA support to the module, although it might be a better option to try to use SXA functionality in your non-SXA site - but that is a whole other story...

Future enhancements

We released this module as version 1.0.  It is working on Sitecore 8.2 and has some functionalities already but we are aware that there are still quite some areas of improvement. As mentioned here before, we might need to add some extra data checks to be more robust. But also on a functional level we still have ideas:
  • a solution for renderings that are already set on the standard values of a template (using branches maybe?)
  • remove datasource items if the rendering is removed (and no other links are found)
  • content editor support? (although we're not quite sure we actually want this)
Feel free to use the module, share more ideas for enhancements, contribute to the code...

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Preventing the "Select Datasource" dialog in the Sitecore Experience Editor

Select the Associated Content dialog

Every editor working in the Sitecore Experience Editor has undoubtedly seen this screen before:

The dailog lets you select a Datasource for a rendering. Or create a new one...  The dialog will appear if your rendering has a datasource location set on its definition item:


But now we had a case where we wanted this dialog not to appear. The datasource was set in a custom processor in the getRenderingDatasource pipeline so it was already available. The dialog knows about this value as it will select it by default for you but it still appears.

Rendering "Data source" field

A first attempt was successful by accident. Wouldn't be the first achievement made like this... If a datasource is set in the "Data source" field of the rendering definition item, the dialog will not appear. Due to a flaw in the code setting the datasource the value was written there instead of the actual item containing the rendering. Works like a charm! But not thread safe. You only need two editors to place that rendering at the same time and your datasources will get mixed up. 

The AddRendering command

With a little help we found the right command to override (thanks to Support and Alan Płócieniak): webedit:addrendering.

It is quite obvious the class is not meant to be overridden, so you might need a debugging tool to get it all right. Let's start by creating a class that overrides the Sitecore.Shell.Applications.WebEdit.Commands.AddRendering. The function we need is "void Run(ClientPipelineArgs args)".  Best start is to copy the code from the original class and get rid of the function you do not need. As you will notice (I am writing based on Sitecore 8.2 initial btw) you do need to keep a few private functions in your own code as well to keep the "Run" function working.

In the Run-code, locate the call to the getRenderingDatasource pipeline:
CorePipeline.Run("getRenderingDatasource", renderingDatasourceArgs);

Just below you'll see
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(renderingDatasourceArgs.DialogUrl) && !AddRendering.IsMorphRenderingsRequest(args))

    args.Parameters["OpenProperties"] = flag.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
    SheerResponse.ShowModalDialog(renderingDatasourceArgs.DialogUrl, "1200px", "700px", string.Empty, true);

This is the spot where the dialog would open. As we don't want this, we add an if-statement within the if-statement from above:

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(renderingDatasourceArgs.DialogUrl) && !IsMorphRenderingsRequest(args))
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(renderingDatasourceArgs.CurrentDatasource))
      var datasourceItem = Client.ContentDatabase.GetItem(renderingDatasourceArgs.CurrentDatasource);
              {{ id: '{itemNotNull.ID.Guid.ToString("N").ToUpperInvariant()}', 
                 openProperties: {flag.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()}, 
                 dataSource: '{datasourceItem.ID.Guid.ToString("B").ToUpperInvariant()}' }});"));

What are we doing here? First we check if the datasource was set in the arguments before. If so, we want our code and no dialog anymore. We fetch the datasource item from the content database. And then the magic: we send the message to Sitecore editor that the control was added, just the way it does when a rendering was completely set (see the code a few lines below in the original AddRendering). The trick is to make sure all parameters are set correctly:

  • the ID of the rendering that was added as digits ("N")
  • a value indicating whether the properties window should be opened - this is true/false and is send without any quote
  • the ID of the datasource item as guid with braces ("B")
If any of the parameters are faulty, you will get an error on the call to "Palette.aspx" and the rendering will not be added (you will also see an error popup in the browser).

As we send the value for the properties window as for all other renderings, we can keep that functionality as is. It will react on the value set when the rendering was selected (which can be tweaked on the rendering definition item itself if you don't want to leave that choice to your editors).


You need to tell Sitecore you have a new AddRendering command. Patch the config by creating a new config file in the include folder (make sure it gets added in the end):
<configuration xmlns:patch="http://www.sitecore.net/xmlconfig/">
      <command name="webedit:addrendering" type="YourNamespace.YourClass, YourSolution" patch:instead="*[@name='webedit:addrendering']" />

Wrap it up

This code will probably (as it was for me) be a part of a bigger solution and is not a fully working code set. If you have any questions, you can find me on Sitecore Slack or sitecore.stackexchange.com ;)

One question that apparently does pop up is how to set the datasource. Setting the datasource when a rendering is added can be done in the getRenderingDatasource pipeline, which is called in the command as we saw. Create an extra processor and add the datasource item to the arguments:
getRenderingDatasourceArgs.CurrentDatasource = datasourceItem.Paths.FullPath;

One thing to remember though: as we did overwrite some piece of Sitecore code here, you do need to check on every upgrade that all is still valid and you might need to adapt the code.