Friday, September 13, 2024

Sitecore JSS hiding data in props

 Sitecore JSS props

A small extension to my post on Sitecore JSS and extranet security which I wrote in July. If you haven't read that one, please do so first as I will try not to repeat too much here.

What is important to mention is that we are sending roles that are allowed to see the pages along with the page data. These roles are selected in a multiselect field.  This way the front application is in charge of the security as it should. 

We noticed a problem however when we looked at the source code of the generated pages. They were listing our role id's and names. This is of course information that we would rather not show to everyone. 

Hiding page data

So our problem is data from the page that we would like to use, but not show to users.  In our case it was security related, but that could be any data of course.

We could try to change the output and adapt the way a MultilistField sends its output. I would assume the GetMultilistFieldSerializer or MultilistFieldTypeFactory might be a good start, but actually I don't want to change that behavior just for 1 field. It seems like a messy solution, especially if we would get more data like this. As it is the front app that is putting this data in it's output, it is that app's responsibility to keep it hidden.

A MultilistField will by default show the id, the url, the name, the display name and the fields of the selected items. But even if we would just have the raw value -which is the minimal that we need for our functionality- we should hide that from public eyes.

I want to mention again that I am nowhere near a NextJs expert so for me this is gibberish but my front-end companion came up with a function that is now used to filter out the "roles" field:
import { SitecorePageProps } from 'lib/page-props';

export const whiteListProps = async (props: SitecorePageProps) => {
  delete props.layoutData.sitecore?.route?.fields?.roles;
  return props;
In the [[...path]].tsx this function is used on the props.

As a non-expert on the matter, I was surprised to see that all data coming from Sitecore was visible in a browser. Assuming there are more non-experts out there, I hope this post makes some sense and might keep some sensitive data hidden.

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